
The Squre Blog

Freemasons in sports
Freemasons in sports

What do Freemasonry, soccer, baseball and golf have in common? They were all shaped in some way or form by a Mason! Well listen up to learn about the origins of some of our favorite sports and discover three of the most impactful and dedicated Masonic sportsmen of the...

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Freemasonry: Begin You
Freemasonry: Begin You

Milestones in our lives inspire us to pause and reflect on our identities and the individuals we aspire to become. Each significant moment—whether it's a graduation, a new job, or a personal challenge—encourages us to seek deeper understanding and self-improvement. In...

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Welsford Lodge History
Welsford Lodge History

Although Welsford Lodge is more than one hundred and fifty years old it cannot claim to be the first Masonic Lodge in Windsor. Early records show that Freemasonry started at Fort Edward as early as 1785, but was not continuous. Welsford Lodge was formed in July, 1861...

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